The new platforms? – forster, soldiers, mini-jobber

Cheap educational republic

For years, the Lower Sachsian government governed on cheap workforce on all-day schools. Now no fee representation should be completed for the time being. The legal situation has become uncertain

After the schools and parents of the 1.300 full-time schools in Lower Saxony Monthly considerable worries about the condition of their educational institutions, Bernd Althusmann interpreted the old wisdom of the tranquility, which is always the first burger of birth, last Friday in justifiably as a time-proof manner.

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Oecd expects more than one million asylum seekers in europe this year

More than 800.000 will apply for asylum in Germany, 40 percent could expect recognition

According to an OECD report, more than a million people will apply for asylum by the end of 2015, in Germany alone 800.000. 350.000-450.000 can expect to receive a permit – and with it a permanent right of residence. Last year 630.000 people applied for asylum, as many as in 1992. By the end of August 2015, Frontex had deployed more than half a million "illegal" Refugees paid, in 2014 it was still 280.000. 330.000 refugees arrived via the Mediterranean Sea.

The OECD points out that the inclusion of such coarse quantities poses many problems and will be expensive. In the long term, the goal is to integrate refugees into societies. This is not only a burde, but could also cost "a significant gain for the development of societies" be possible if sufficient support is provided for integration and job creation.

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Homer autumn in kosovo

The negotiations on a compromise for the brand status of Kosovo are in front of the failure

The diplomatic thaw is already months. Already since February, in Vienna, in the Finnish Unterhandler, Martti Ahtisaari, delegations of the Serbian and Albanian side ordered by UN General Secretar Kofi Annan meet the future of Kosovo to negotiate. The debate is the market status of the controversial province. While the Albanian population demonstration demonstrates the complete independence of the province, the Serbian government Kosovo only wants to have a far-reaching autonomy. Now a failure of the diplomacy is distinguished. Violence threats from both sides provide for a fear of a hot autumn.

Homer autumn in Kosovo

Grob Albanic Traumes: Memorial Stone for an uck-camphor at Vustrii / Vucitrn. Photo: Boris headcurs

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A man of the church

The Christian Nazi opponent Hugolinus Dorr

The posthum of refined resistance of 20. July 1944 are known. The wife Rose also, Georg Elser and the Edelweibpiraten is already less. Hugolinus Dorr knows as good as nobody.

The life of Hugolinus Dorr acts today so strange on us like his name. A failed missionary? A small cycling against the coarse riders of the church hierarchy? A Christian antifashist? A German exilant of the 1940 is murdered in a French internment camp? – Parts of a biography still resisted a rapid overall access.

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